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Jon Adler’s Attempted Ambush

October 10, 2010

John Adler

The despicable decision to enter a third party “spoiler” into the Adler/Runyan campaign reveals a great deal about the desperation of the current Congressman and his team. However, crowding the candidate field, in order to gain political advantage, is not a new occurrence.

The Liberal “brain trust” initiated a similar approach in order to siphon off votes from “too conservative” Democrat Joe Lieberman in 2008. In 2009, during the Corzine/Christie campaign, they did the same in New Jersey. Both times, the preferred candidate of the leftists lost. It is likely to result in failure once again, in the 3rd Congressional NJ, on November 2, 2010.

Since the consistent result of their tired tactic is one of disappointment, a reasonable person can fairly deduce that there appears to be a lack of intellect, as well as morality, on the part of the perpetrators.

Albert Einstein, the great genius of the 20th century, defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Perhaps it is time that the left learned this lesson of logic, taught by the brilliant professor, and focused on developing better messages in their efforts to win elections, rather than engaging in dirty shenanigans.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. JerseyDevil permalink
    October 10, 2010 10:25 am

    Adler was just hoping that the people of the 3rd District were just too stupid to see the ploy (again…for the second time…as mentioned about the Christie/Corzine run). What he didn’t bargain on is the strength of the Internet and the resolve of the ACTUAL TEA Party of NJ in getting the word out… Ahh well, at least this bogus campaign resulted in some “stimulus money” of it’s own being spent, and provided a job for the bogus candidate. GO HOME ADLER…your time is up!

  2. ReformNOW permalink
    October 10, 2010 11:33 am

    Great article Stew—just last year Corslime and the Dems funded some 3rd party candidate activities—the 3rd district sure didn’t buy it—-them came out in droves for Gov. Christie’s REFORM measures. And it won’t work for Adler either. This activity ought to be illegal—illegal or not, Adler’s behavior certainly does not honor the integrity of being an American.

    Someday, someday soon Camden County will turn RED. The Voters clearly know something is unique around here….as an example Cooper Hostpital is being run like everything else around here….it’s being fleeced and driven into the ground!

    Everything Norcross touches turns into an FBI investigation: US Vision, Commerce Bank, Cooper Hospital….and soon John Adler.

  3. SpeakUpNJ permalink
    October 10, 2010 4:45 pm

    Ahhhhh….he finally showed his TRUE character(or lack there of) to the public. Now when more and more people hear the name “John Adler”…the term…Pelosi Lapdog LOSER will immediately come to mind and they will be absolutely correct! Bye John, do not let the door hit you in the butt on the way out!

  4. Betty Christie permalink
    October 11, 2010 10:37 pm

    John Adler MUST go!!!!!!

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